Functional Neurological Disorders (FND)

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What is FND?

Functional neurological disorder (FND) is a medical condition in which there is a problem with the functioning of the nervous system and how the brain and body sends and/or receives signals without any structural or physical damage. FND can encompass a wide variety of neurological symptoms that can’t be explained by medical tests or lab work.

People with FND can have a wide range of symptoms, including: 

  • Non-epileptic seizures
  • Tremors
  • Muscle or limb weakness or paralysis
  • Other involuntary muscle movements
  • Gait and balance problems
  • Speech or vision problems
  • Abnormal sensory experiences
  • Cognitive complaints
  • Bowl/bladder issues
  • Headache, migraine, or other body pain

What Causes and Maintains FND?

The root cause of FND is unknown. We do know that people who most commonly develop FND have a biological vulnerability, psychological vulnerability, and environmental stressor that all play a role in the development of FND. Many people with FND have a history of trauma, but not all do. We also know that FND is not just "IN YOUR HEAD" as is the common misconception.

To understand the course of FND, we refer the 5-P Model:

Presenting issue (FND)

Predisposing factors

Precipitating events

Perpetuating mechanisms

Protective factors

How is FND Treated?

Treating FND requires a multidisciplinary approach and team - a team of doctors and healthcare professionals from different areas of specialty that are working alongside you to help you manage and overcome your symptoms. 

These people may include your:



•Psychologist/Mental Health Provider 


Our Treatment Approach

Psychotherapy for FND can be one of the most effective methods of treatment. We use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for FND (CBT-FND), which involves 12 semi-structured sessions, focusing on different aspects of FND and the impact that it has on your life. Every person is unique, and therefore your treatment will be tailored to meet your individual needs. 

Our Commitment to You

After your free phone consultation, we will conduct a thorough evaluation of your FND symptoms, health concerns, impact on daily life, and set values-based goals to help you achieve the results you desire for your life. 

Then we will outline a treatment plan and course and provide you with a comprehensive patient workbook so that you can begin your journey to better living! 

FND Resources

Not a lot of people (or doctors!) know about FND and there is a lot of misinformation out there. Here are a few reputable online resources to help you understand FND:

FND Society

FND Hope

FND Action

Take back control of your health and life!